Getting a Driving License in Norway: A Step-By-Step Guide


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Getting a driving license in Norway involves multiple steps, from meeting eligibility criteria to passing rigorous tests. This guide provides you with the necessary information to navigate this complex process successfully.

In Norway, there are different categories of driving licenses, from the standard Category B license for cars to specialized licenses for motorcycles, heavy vehicles, and other types of transport.

Key Takeaways

  • Eligibility criteria are stringent and must be met before applying for a driving license.
  • Required documentation often involves ID, proof of residence, and sometimes medical certificates.
  • The application process involves several steps, including registering with a local traffic station.
  • Practical training is a significant investment, both in terms of time and money.
  • The theory and practical tests are rigorous, requiring thorough preparation.

Eligibility Criteria

Before diving into the application process, it’s essential to establish whether you meet the eligibility criteria for obtaining a driving license in Norway. The requirements can vary depending on the type of driving license you aim to acquire.

Here are the general eligibility criteria for some of the most common types of driving licenses:

Age Requirements

Type of licenseAge Requirements
Category B (Car)You must be at least 18 years old
Category A1 (Light Motorcycle)The minimum age is 16.
Category A (Motorcycle)You must be 24 years old or have had a Category A2 license for two years and be at least 20.
Category C (Truck)The minimum age requirement is 21.
Category D (Bus)You must be at least 24 years old.

Residency Status

You must be a legal resident of Norway, hold a residence permit, or demonstrate that you intend to stay in Norway for at least 185 days within a calendar year.

Pre-existing Foreign Driving Licenses

If you already possess a driving license from an EEA country, you can use it in Norway until it expires.

Licenses from non-EEA countries may be used for up to three months from the date of entry into Norway. After that period, you’ll need to obtain a Norwegian license.

Some countries have reciprocal agreements with Norway, allowing for an easier exchange of driving licenses without requiring a full set of tests.

Required Documentation

Required Documentation

Once you’ve ascertained your eligibility, the next step is to gather all the required documents. This documentation will be needed to initiate the application process for your Norwegian driving license. Here are the key documents you must prepare:

Identification: A valid passport or national ID card as proof of identity

Proof of Residency: A residence permit or other official documents showing you meet the residency requirements

Medical Certificate: A medical certificate is often required, particularly for Category C and D licenses. You may also need an eyesight test, which can typically be performed at an authorized medical facility.

Certificate of Completion of Mandatory Training: If applicable, a certificate from an authorized driving school indicating that you’ve completed the required training for the specific category of license you are applying for.

Foreign Driving License: If you have a driving license from another country, bring the original along with a certified translation if the license is not in English, Danish, or Swedish.

Application Form: A completed application form can usually be obtained from your local traffic station or downloaded from official websites.

Photographs: Passport-sized photographs that meet the Norwegian Directorate of Public Roads’ specifications. Some traffic stations offer photo services on-site for an additional fee.

Make sure all your documents are up-to-date and officially certified where necessary. Once you have gathered all the required documentation, you can proceed with the registration process, which is the starting point for your journey toward obtaining a Norwegian driving license.

The Application Process

The application process for obtaining a driving license in Norway is methodical and governed by specific protocols.


Your first point of contact should be your local traffic station. These are managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).

Upon your visit, you’ll be provided with an application form that must be completed in its entirety. Some stations offer the option of downloading the form online for your convenience.

A nominal registration fee is usually required at this stage, payable by card or bank transfer.

Theory Test

The theory test examines your understanding of Norwegian traffic rules, road signs, and driving etiquette. It typically consists of multiple-choice questions.

Books, online materials, and even mobile apps are available to prepare for the theory test. Many resources are available in English.

The theory test can usually be scheduled online or directly at the traffic station where you registered. Make sure to book well in advance, as slots can fill up quickly.

If you fail the theory test, there’s a mandatory waiting period, usually two weeks before you can retake it. Additional fees may apply for a retake.

Practical Training

Practical training with an authorized instructor is generally required, especially if you’re a first-time driver or your foreign license doesn’t allow for direct exchange.

Various driving schools offer courses in English. It’s advisable to consult reviews or get recommendations when selecting a school.

The duration and cost of practical training can vary. Budgeting for both time and money, as well as practical training, is a crucial component of successful licensing.

Cost ComponentDescriptionPayment Timing
Registration FeeInitial application fee at local traffic stationAt the time of registration
Theory Test FeeAt the time of registrationAt time of scheduling test
Practical Training CostVaries by driving school and lessons requiredUsually in installments
Practical Test FeeFee for the practical driving testAt the time of scheduling the test
Renewal FeeFee for renewing an expired or soon-to-expire licenseAt the time of renewal application
Miscellaneous CostsMedical tests, study materials, translations, etc.As incurred

Practical Test

The practical test is a real-world assessment of your driving abilities. You’ll be required to demonstrate competence in vehicle control, understanding of traffic rules, and situational awareness.

Similar to the theory test, scheduling can often be done online or at the local traffic station. Availability can be limited, so early booking is recommended.

You’ll be evaluated on a set of criteria that includes vehicle control, safety, and adherence to traffic laws. Failure to meet the requirements in any of these categories will result in not passing the test.

Each stage of the application process serves as a gateway to the subsequent stage. Ensure that you’re adequately prepared for each to avoid unnecessary delays or complications.


The initial step in your pursuit of a Norwegian driving license is registration. This phase serves as the official commencement of your application process and should be navigated meticulously.

Where to Register

Your local traffic station is the authorized center for initiating your driving license application. These stations fall under the jurisdiction of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).

Find the nearest one to your location, as it is typically mandatory to register within your locality.

What Forms to Fill Out

Upon your visit to the traffic station, you’ll be required to fill out a specific application form to kickstart your journey towards a Norwegian driving license. The application form generally encompasses essential details such as your name, address, eligibility criteria, and the category of license you are applying for.

While some stations offer digital versions that can be downloaded and completed in advance, a physical visit is often required to submit and initiate your application.


A registration fee is almost always obligatory at this juncture. While the fee can vary depending on the category of license you are applying for, expect to make this payment at the time of registration.

Payment methods usually accepted are card or bank transfer. Cash is generally not an option, given the digital nature of most Norwegian institutions.

In sum, the registration phase sets the stage for all subsequent steps in the driving license acquisition process. It is crucial to provide accurate information and complete all required forms meticulously, as errors or omissions can lead to delays or potential disqualification from further participation in the application process.

Therefore, ensure that you’ve gathered all required documentation before heading to the traffic station for registration.

Theory Test

Practical Training

Norway’s road rules, signs, and driving etiquette. This is a critical milestone in your application process and requires strategic preparation.

What the Theory Test Entails

The theory test predominantly consists of multiple-choice questions designed to assess your comprehension of essential driving principles. Topics covered range from road signs and markings to rules for overtaking, speed limits, and hazard perception.

The test is designed to simulate real-world driving conditions in a controlled environment, thus accurately measuring your theoretical driving competency.

Study Material and Resources

Preparation is key when it comes to passing the theory test. There are various resources designed to facilitate your study process, from textbooks and official publications to online materials and mobile applications.

Many of these resources are available in English to cater to non-Norwegian speakers. Investing in multiple study materials can be beneficial in offering diverse perspectives on the content that you will encounter in the theory test.

How to Schedule and Where to Take It

The theory test can be scheduled through the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s website or directly at the traffic station where you registered. Book your test date well in advance, as slots often fill up quickly, especially during peak periods like summer.

While some smaller stations may require in-person scheduling, most larger facilities offer an online booking system for added convenience.

What Happens if You Fail

Failure to pass the theory test is not the end of the road. However, it does come with its set of repercussions. A mandatory waiting period, usually lasting two weeks, is imposed before you are eligible to retake the test.

This time should be used judiciously to revisit your study materials and address any gaps in your understanding. Additionally, retaking the test requires payment of a new fee.

The theory test stands as a cornerstone in your quest for a Norwegian driving license. It is a comprehensive evaluation of your understanding of the rules and regulations that govern driving in Norway.

Meticulous preparation and a keen focus on the test’s core components are indispensable for a successful outcome.

Practical Training

Practical Training

Practical training serves as the hands-on segment of your journey to obtaining a driving license in Norway. Unlike the theory test, which assesses your intellectual grasp of driving principles, practical training evaluates your actual driving abilities and readiness for the road.

Requirement for Practical Training

Undergoing practical training with an authorized driving instructor is generally a prerequisite for first-time drivers or those whose foreign licenses don’t permit a direct exchange.

This training includes the mechanics of driving and a focus on safety, navigation, and understanding road conditions.

Recommended Schools

Choosing the right driving school is crucial for a successful practical training experience. Many schools offer courses in English to accommodate non-Norwegian speakers.

It’s advisable to do some research before making a choice—consider reviews, recommendations from acquaintances, and even social media forums that cater to expats or international students in Norway.

Duration and Costs

The length and cost of your practical training can vary based on multiple factors, including your starting level of driving competence and the specific requirements of the driving school you choose.

While some learners might require a few weeks of training, others may need several months to adequately prepare for the practical test. As for costs, they can range significantly, so it’s advisable to budget for the training and any supplementary lessons you may require.

Practical training is not merely a box to tick on your way to a driving license; it is a vital phase that prepares you for the practical test and, more importantly, for real-world driving in Norway.

Invest time in choosing the right driving school, attend your training sessions diligently, and maintain a proactive approach to learning. This will prepare you for the practical test and equip you with the skills needed for safe and responsible driving.

Practical Test

The practical test serves as the final evaluative step in your application process for a Norwegian driving license. This is not merely a formality but an exhaustive assessment designed to gauge your proficiency in real-world driving situations.

In this segment, you will find important information regarding what to expect, how to prepare, and what the assessment criteria entail.

What to Expect

The practical test comprises a real-time driving session where you will be expected to showcase your mastery of vehicle control, traffic rules, and situational judgment. An Norwegian Public Roads Administration examiner will accompany you, directing you through various driving tasks and scenarios.

Your performance will be scrutinized against a standard set of criteria, encompassing aspects like safety measures, vehicle control, and compliance with traffic laws.

How to Schedule

The scheduling process for the practical test closely parallels that of the theory test. You can book your appointment either online through the Norwegian Public Roads Administration website or directly at the local traffic station where you initially registered.

Keep in mind that availability can be limited, so early booking is strongly advised. A fee is usually charged for the practical test, payable at the time of scheduling.

Scoring Criteria and Passing Grade

The scoring for the practical test is based on a rigid set of criteria. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Mastery of vehicle controls, including proper use of signals, mirrors, and brakes.
  • Awareness and correct interpretation of road signs and traffic signals.
  • Proficiency in hazard perception and defensive driving techniques.
  • Strict adherence to speed limits and other traffic laws.

Failure to meet the required standards in any of these categories will result in not passing the test.

The practical test is the culminating phase in your journey to obtaining a driving license in Norway. Each component of the test is designed to accurately assess your readiness to navigate Norway’s roads safely and proficiently.

Renewal and Expiry

Maintaining the validity of your Norwegian driving license is just as important as obtaining it. Licenses come with expiry dates and specific renewal procedures, and being unprepared for these can lead to complications.

Expiry Dates

The validity period for Norwegian driving licenses varies based on the license type and the holder’s age. Typically, regular Class B licenses for passenger cars expire at the age of 75.

However, certain types of licenses, especially those for commercial or heavy vehicles, may have shorter validity periods. Always check the expiration date indicated on your license card to avoid any legal ramifications of driving with an expired license.

Renewal Procedure

The process to renew a Norwegian driving license is straightforward but requires some pre-planning:

  • You must renew your license at your local traffic station, where you initially registered.
  • Some applicants may be required to pass a medical examination or eye test as part of the renewal.
  • A renewal fee is applicable, similar to the original application process. This fee is payable at the time of renewal application submission.

Renewal Notifications

While some countries offer automatic reminders for license renewals, this is not guaranteed in Norway. You are responsible for monitoring your license’s expiry date and initiating the renewal process well in advance to avoid any lapse in legality.

Temporary Extensions

In some specific cases, temporary extensions may be granted, particularly if you’re unable to renew your license due to extenuating circumstances like illness or travel restrictions. However, these are exceptional cases and require a formal application and approval process.

Ensuring that your driving license is up-to-date is a legal obligation that comes with significant penalties if not adhered to. While straightforward, the renewal process involves its own requirements and fees.

Related: All you need to know about airports in Norway

Make it a point to stay abreast of your license’s validity and renewal timelines, thereby avoiding unnecessary legal complications and ensuring continuous driving privileges in Norway.

Additional Resources

  • Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen): The official website provides up-to-date information on all regulations, fees, and procedures related to driving licenses in Norway.
  • Directorate of Immigration (UDI): Useful for understanding how your immigration status might affect your eligibility for a Norwegian driving license.

Communities such as Expat forums or social media groups specific to Norway can be valuable firsthand information and advice sources. These platforms often have threads related to driving in Norway and can offer peer support.


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