Internships in Norway [2024 Guide]


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If you’re considering an internship in Norway, this guide will help you navigate the entire process. From understanding the types of internships available and eligibility criteria to the application process and legal requirements, this article offers a comprehensive overview.

Key Takeaways

  • Norway offers a diverse range of internships across multiple sectors.
  • Eligibility often depends on nationality, visa status, and sometimes academic requirements.
  • Utilize university job boards, professional networks, and online portals for internship search.
  • Documentation like CVs, cover letters, and sometimes portfolio are generally required during the application process.
  • Adherence to Norwegian labor laws and regulations is crucial for a compliant internship experience.
  • Interning in Norway provides world-class professional exposure and an excellent work-life balance.

Types of Internships Available

When it comes to internships, one size definitely does not fit all. Just as every individual has unique career goals and academic backgrounds, Norway offers diverse internship opportunities to cater to these varied interests.

Whether you’re an aspiring software developer, a budding healthcare professional, or an early-career researcher, there’s likely an internship for you.

First things first: you’ll want to consider whether a paid or unpaid internship aligns with your needs and expectations.

Paid Internships:
These are more common in industries like technology, finance, and engineering. The compensation can vary widely but generally aligns with Norway’s high standard of living.

Unpaid Internships:
Often found in non-profit sectors, the arts, and the social sciences, unpaid internships offer valuable experience and networking opportunities, albeit without a monthly stipend.

Industry-Specific Options

Norway is a hub for various industries, each offering its own set of exciting internship opportunities:

Technology: With a booming tech scene, especially in cities like Oslo, internships in software development, data science, and cybersecurity are plentiful.

Healthcare: Norway’s healthcare system is one of the most advanced globally, providing internships in various specializations like nursing, medical research, and public health.

Education: If you’re interested in academia or educational technology, Norway’s well-regarded educational system offers a broad spectrum of internships.

Renewable Energy: Given Norway’s focus on sustainability, there are numerous opportunities in renewable energy sectors like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

By choosing an industry that resonates with your career aspirations, you’re taking the first step toward a fulfilling and impactful professional journey in Norway. Whether you’re looking for an internship that pays well or offers the best learning experience, the opportunities are as diverse as they are numerous.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Navigating the labyrinth of eligibility criteria might seem daunting at first, but don’t worry—you’re not alone in this journey. Norway has a structured and straightforward system that makes it relatively easy to understand what you need to qualify for an internship. Here are some crucial aspects you’ll need to consider.

Visa Requirements

Let’s start with the basics. If you’re from a country outside of the EU/EEA, you’ll typically need a residence permit to undertake an internship in Norway. However, each type of permit comes with its own set of conditions, so it’s important to research and apply for the one that best suits your situation.

For Students:

If you’re already studying in Norway, your existing student residence permit usually allows you to work part-time, including internships.

For Non-Students:

Special permits for internships do exist, often requiring sponsorship from the company offering the internship.

Academic Qualifications

Educational prerequisites for internships can vary based on the industry and the specific role you’re applying for.

For Technical Roles:

A background in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics is often expected.

For Non-Technical Roles:

Qualifications can range from a high school diploma to a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field, depending on the complexity and responsibilities of the role.

Language Proficiency

You might wonder, “Do I need to speak Norwegian to intern in Norway?” While many internships are conducted in English, especially in larger cities and international companies, some proficiency in Norwegian can give you an edge.

For English-Speaking Roles:

English is often the working language in international companies and organizations, so you won’t necessarily need to speak Norwegian.

For Roles Requiring Norwegian:

Certain sectors like healthcare or social services may require at least a basic understanding of Norwegian. In such cases, there are language courses specifically designed to help you reach the needed proficiency level.

How to Search for an Internship

Norway offers a variety of reliable and accessible avenues to help you locate opportunities that align with your career aspirations. With a combination of online resources, academic institutions, and networking, your ideal internship could be just a few clicks or conversations away.

Job Boards and Portals

In today’s digital age, your internship hunt can often begin from the comfort of your own home. Norway has a robust online job market, where internship listings are updated frequently. This is one of Norway’s largest online marketplaces, and it includes a comprehensive job board. Filters allow you to narrow your search to internships specifically. Operated by the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration, this website is another credible source for job and internship listings.

Industry-specific websites: Many sectors have their own dedicated job boards. For example, the tech industry often utilizes websites like Teknisk Ukeblad Jobb or IT-Jobbank.

Networking Opportunities

Sometimes, the most effective way to secure an internship is through the age-old method of networking.

Professional Meetups: Cities like Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim host various industry-specific meetups and events. These can be invaluable for making professional contacts.

LinkedIn: Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted LinkedIn profile and personalized connection requests. The platform also offers job listings, including internships in Norway.

Alumni Networks: If you’re a student or a recent graduate, your university’s alumni network can be a goldmine for opportunities and recommendations.

Norwegian Universities and Colleges

If you’re a student in Norway, don’t overlook the resources your academic institution can offer.

Career Services: Many Norwegian universities have a dedicated career services office that can assist with internship placements, often leveraging partnerships with local companies.

Academic Advisors: Your professors and academic advisors are often well-connected in their respective fields and can provide leads or introductions.

Application Process

Applying for an internship in Norway is a structured and transparent process, similar to many other Western countries, but it comes with its own set of particulars.

Application Process

Here’s what you need to know to put your best foot forward.

Common Requirements

Before hitting that ‘apply’ button, having all your documents in order is essential. Though the specifics may vary depending on the sector and employer, most applications will require the following.

Resume: Your resume should be tailored to the internship you’re applying for. Highlight relevant experience, academic accomplishments, and skills that would make you an asset to the organization.

Cover Letter: A well-crafted cover letter can distinguish you from other candidates. Use this opportunity to explain why you’re interested in the role, what you can bring to the table, and why you’re keen on the particular company or industry.

Portfolio or Project Samples: For certain sectors like design, journalism, or technology, you may need to include work samples. Make sure these are updated and relevant to the role.

Timeline for Applications

While some internship opportunities may be available year-round, others may have fixed application cycles. It’s crucial to:

Start Early: The early bird gets the worm—or, in this case, the internship. Starting your search and application process early gives you ample time for preparation and allows you to adhere to deadlines.

Follow-up: Don’t hesitate to follow up if you’ve not heard back within a reasonable time frame. A polite email can remind employers of your application and showcase your keen interest in the role.

Interview Tips

Should your application be successful, the next step is usually an interview, which could be in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing. Here are some tips to prepare:

Research the Company: Understanding the company’s culture, mission, and values can give you an edge during the interview.

Prepare for Behavioral and Technical Questions: Be ready to discuss your experience, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge related to the internship role.

Practice Good Communication: Whether the interview is in English or Norwegian, clear and effective communication is key. Listen carefully to questions and think before you answer.

Legal Framework and Regulations

Understanding the legal landscape is a crucial step in any international endeavor, and internships in Norway are no exception. Norway upholds a high standard of labor laws designed to protect both employers and employees, including interns.

Work Permits and Visas

As mentioned earlier, obtaining the correct residence permit is fundamental if you’re not an EU/EEA citizen.

Required Documentation: Apart from a valid passport, you’ll often need a letter of offer from your internship provider and proof of sufficient funds to support your stay.

Application Timeframe: It’s advisable to initiate the permit application process well in advance, as processing times can vary.

Employment Contracts

In Norway, it’s standard practice for an employment contract to be signed by both parties before the commencement of the internship.

Contract Elements: The contract should outline the internship’s duration, any compensation or benefits, the nature of the work to be performed, and termination provisions.

Legal Rights: Even as an intern, you have certain rights, such as a safe work environment and in some cases, remuneration for overtime work. Make sure these are clearly stated in your contract.

Taxes and Social Contributions

If your internship is paid, you’ll be subject to Norwegian tax laws, which are known for being both comprehensive and transparent.

Tax Card: You’ll need to apply for a tax card, which informs your employer how much tax to deduct from your salary.

Social Security: If you’re staying in Norway for more than 12 months, you automatically become a member of the National Insurance Scheme, which provides you with certain social security benefits.

Health and Safety

Norway takes workplace health and safety seriously, and as an intern, you’re entitled to the same protections as any other employee.

Insurance: Make sure you’re covered under your employer’s liability insurance, especially if your internship involves any form of physical risk.

Workplace Standards: Familiarize yourself with the workplace safety protocols, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if anything is unclear.

Advantages of Doing an Internship in Norway

Embarking on an internship in Norway isn’t just about gaining professional experience; it’s about enriching your life in a country renowned for its quality of living, cutting-edge industries, and stunning natural beauty.

Advantages of Doing an Internship in Norway

Below are some compelling advantages that make an internship in Norway a particularly rewarding choice.

World-Class Professional Environment

Norwegian companies are known for their innovative approach, cutting-edge technologies, and focus on sustainability. By interning in such an environment, you:

  • Gain exposure to high industry standards.
  • Work alongside professionals who are leaders in their respective fields.

Work-Life Balance

Norway places great emphasis on work-life balance, even for interns. The benefits are multiple:

  • Reasonable working hours allow for personal development and exploration of the country.
  • Many companies offer flexibility in work schedules, making it easier to balance academic commitments if you’re a student.

Networking Opportunities

Norway’s business culture is collaborative and interconnected. An internship here offers:

  • A chance to network with industry professionals and academics who can provide valuable insights and potentially influence your career trajectory.
  • Access to international networks, given Norway’s global business relations.

Skill Development

The hands-on experience you’ll gain during your internship is invaluable for skill development.

  • Soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving are naturally developed in a professional setting.
  • Technical skills are honed through real-world applications, augmenting your academic learning.

Cultural Enrichment

Norway is much more than its professional opportunities; it’s a country of rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes.

  • Exposure to Norwegian culture can be a personally enriching experience, offering a different perspective on work ethics, social interaction, and life priorities.
  • Whether it’s the Northern Lights in Tromsø or the vibrant cultural scene in Oslo, your time outside of work can be as rewarding as your time spent working.

Opting for an internship in Norway is an investment in both your career and personal growth. It’s not just a line on your resume—it’s a chapter in your life that offers comprehensive development, setting you up for future success, whether in Norway or elsewhere.

With each day spent in your internship, you’re not just working towards completing a role but building a portfolio of experiences, skills, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Check out our complete guide on minimum wage for foreigners here.

Additional Resources

  • Reddit and Facebook Groups: Subreddits like r/Norway and expat-focused Facebook groups can provide real-world advice from people who have been in your shoes.
  • Internations: This platform offers a space for expats to connect, share experiences, and provide recommendations. Visit their website here.
  • Chamber of Commerce: Organizations like the British-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce often provide services and networking opportunities for professionals from specific countries.
  • Industry Associations: Whether you’re in tech, healthcare, or any other sector, there’s likely an association you can join to network and gain industry insights.
  • Language Cafes: These are informal settings to practice Norwegian with locals and meet new people.
  • Local Events and Meetups: These can be found on platforms like and provide an excellent way to socialize and network.


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